i prefer to use occam's razor to extrapolate how the globalists forged a safer world by sacrificing their own property. the superior intellect of the globalist mind inherently knows to, 'never let a good crisis go to waste' for the greater good. even if the crisis needs to be orchestrated. it's all so very clear to me that so many more lives were saved and so much more property was left standing since the towers were reduced in size. and of course the conspiracy theorists conveniently avoid in their rantings that most important of statistics: that since 9-11 of 2001 the number of planes flying into buildings has been reduced astronomically. that's the globalist agenda hard at work to make a safer world.
i prefer to use occam's razor to extrapolate how the globalists forged a safer world by sacrificing their own property. the superior intellect of the globalist mind inherently knows to, 'never let a good crisis go to waste' for the greater good. even if the crisis needs to be orchestrated. it's all so very clear to me that so many more lives were saved and so much more property was left standing since the towers were reduced in size. and of course the conspiracy theorists conveniently avoid in their rantings that most important of statistics: that since 9-11 of 2001 the number of planes flying into buildings has been reduced astronomically. that's the globalist agenda hard at work to make a safer world.