"Middle Class"? Aren't we really referring to the Laptop Class?

Middle class used to mean people who work for a living.

The crowd who enjoyed staycations during the CLOVEN-ClownWorld lockdown and finalized renovation plans for their McMansions were the Laptop Class.

It was during the lockdown that I saw the proliferation of coal-fired Teslas really take off in my area. Those emblems of laughably not-virtue were functioning as advance warning, sort of like if someone were to choose to wear a lapel pin that reads "I'm a TeeRard for Demockracy." It comes in handy to profile those who need to be eliminated first using the remote-controlled target switch that engages the nano contents of their CLOVEN-ClownWorld injections....erm, I mean, "vaccines," of course.

(Shouldn't there be the category "TeeRards for Demockracy" amongst the list of downtrodden victims? I think they should also have their own class of pronouns, something that clearly conveys the essence of "Fighting4JustUs" and other hollow tropes...erm, I mean, valiant declarations of commitment to the continued progress of the human race, of course.)

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Animals, you forgot animals. (Don’t get me wrong, I’m on their side.)

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Save the Planet, by leaving well 'nuff alone.

Earthlings have been striving toward illogical goals for far too long.

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Yes, it's the Little People that are the problem. We'll get rid of you, sorry, I meant them, yet!

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its everybody and especially those who have multiple houses & a staff of minions employed to run them . . .

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Aah, thought for a moment there you might be jumping ship and swimming over to our side... https://risingdawn360.substack.com/p/four-corners-of-the-earth-rediscovered -- and other satirical nonsense.

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That's a whopper of an article. Looks good! Must get back to it this eve.

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I always get a kick out of race. When I was a kid you had Caucasians Mongoloids Asians Negroids, and Aboriginals.

Somehow these got switched to White and Black.

I guess albinos are white. I guess the shadow thing in the Insidious horror movie is black.

So who decided that white and black are races? Is there a yellow or a red race? How about green or blue race?

Simple people like simple words and concepts. Since they learned colors in preschool, maybe the other words like Caucasian or Aboriginal are too complicated to use.

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