Tedros - who's after you now?

"Sickly ironic how the eugenicist technocrat puppet and DEATHVAX™ pusher man Bill Gates installed a Marxist war criminal to head the World Health Organization (WHO) to manage the “health” of the planet as they escalated their global power grab via the PSYOP-19 scamdemic.

And now they are positioning to take all rights away through their illegitimate “pandemic” treaty for their followup gain of function viral release and VAIDS coverup DISEASE-X."


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The end is nigh Charles. Stock up the wine cellar.

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Fear not. I have the barbed wire, dogs, barricades, and private police drafted from the United Kingdom ready and waiting. Champagne and caviar are delivered by helicopter. I don't need the outside world. Damn you Little People with your fresh air, freedom to roam and converse. It matters not to me!

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