Does the Irish Government love and practice Toxic Censorship?

How many Irish people were conned into premature death and illness by Government misinformation and censorship?

What now will the Irish people and Government do about the admitted medical censorship by Irish based mega corporation Facebook who ruthlessly censored vital TRUE medical information?

Who will estimate the harms and deaths that the censorship, by Facebook, RTE, the 'media'

and Government has caused?

How will the harmed be compensated due to this Toxic and immoral censorship?

Safe and effective ! 20,000 'Excess Death's' / murder's. Yes ample easily available Public domain information showed clearly that mRNA injections were not suitable for human's and FraudPlanScamDemic was a long planned bioweapon attack on the Irish people and Nation, spearheaded by a Foreign military covert attack via the US, DoD's, Operation Warp Speed.

Let's call it what it is, Toxic, Deadly, Hatefully & harmful Censorship and disinformation.

Maybe even our talking about the crimes of misinformation and censorship committed by our 'leaders' will be prosecuted as Hate speech?

The Political and Media Maggots, who lied and censored with fatal results for the innocent have worked Hard to squander any Trust, We the People may have clung onto through the manmade crises they promoted and continue to promote despited mountain's of evidence equally as large as

the mountain's of Irish corpses caused by the malfeasance of these 'Public Servant's' / Traitor's.

The fact that's these untrustworthy Treasonous Traitor's are content to continue the injecting of the Irish People with long know deadly bioweapon mRNA injections, shows they are wilfully continuing

the culling, harming and murder of the Irish people by this covert military attack!

There is NO excuse for not having read and acting on the science. Our 'leader's' were paid to represent us, not to harm us.

Why should the people continue to pay and give pensions to people who aided harming and killing of innocent Irish people?

Why have none of these Government and medical 'leaders' / deceivers after years of knowledge that mRNA 'jabs' are deadly and dangerous not pulled the under the Precautionary Principle?

They threaten us with Hate Speech laws for hurting feelings yet they hypocritically practice the deadly hateful harming with KNOWN bioweapons.

These untrustworthy maggot like leaders are not representing the Irish people, they are daily actively Harming those who are foolhardy enough to believe the words from their forked tongues.

They NEED to held accountable for the unnecessary harms they have caused with their Censorship and lies and now attempts to bully the people into silent submissiveness to their EVIL agendas.

How could ANY thinking person, trust or respect anyone with the deadly track records of those who lied, censored and failed to do basic, duty of care and due diligence?

All these 'bad actors' need to be swiftly removed from any positions of responsibility and held accountable before a Military/Civil Tribunal, before they harm / kill any more of us.

This murder MUST be stopped NOW - END the pushing of Bioweapon Injections into the arms of Irish people. This is a 'alien' Military attack on people and Nation and those aiding and abetting it

are clearly acting in a Treasonous manner and should be dealt with accordingly.

{See the link posted in reply/comment below for 200 plus reports to highlight the science these despicable traitors to Ireland continue to ignore.}

Trump FreeSpeech plan: will it work?

Sounds great, but some important details are missing.

NOV 10, 2024


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Here in the comments section of the 'Carnage at Pfizer' edition, is a portion of readily available reports on the dangers of memory mRNA injections. Many available before the start of the unnecessary and lethal bioweapon 'Deathjab' attack on the Irish people.

These 'bad actor's' are SO hateful, ignorant and evil that to this very day they allow the injecting of the Irish people with known and recognised military countermeasure deadly

Bioweapons. This an ongoing covert military attack / war and we know very clearly those who have been pushing and shilling for 'Deathjab' culling of the Irish Nation.

No person with an iota of moral integrity or decency would continue to allow the injecting

of mRNA bioweapon into anybody anywhere.


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Death penalty or life imprisonment..

In Ireland we removed the death penalty for Treason from the Constitution.

Good idea? I think it's fair in light of 20,000 + 'excess deaths' / bioweapon injection 'side effects' that keeping the Death Penalty in the Constitution for Treason would have been a deterrent to the death-jab pushers.

Biden Admin Accused of ‘Murder,’ ‘Treason,’ ‘Genocide,’ and Use of ‘Weapons of Mass Destruction’ with COVID-19 Shots, 5G, Chemtrails, Mosquitos: Texas Lawsuit

Plaintiffs claim to have been "targeted with biological and technological weapons of mass destruction."



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