I, for one, will do my part to signal my virtue accordingly when appearing in public, which is rare, as I have everything one could possibly need on my grand island estate far from the critics and other small minds.
Before one takes another 'safe and effective designed to harm and kill bioweapon it may be worth one's while to look at this video....
"Vaccines are inherently unsafe" so why then do doctors jab babies on arrival to their wards?
Pfizer claimed to US Congress et al that "vaccines are inherently unsafe" and that was part of their successful pitch to the Regan administration to be granted immunity... which was granted !
Dr Mike Yeadon ex VP of Pfizer shows how the ConVid - bio weapons were deliberated designed to harm and kill. Read that again if it didn't sink in fully and listen to this 17 minute video.
"Vaccines are inherently unsafe"
Pfizer VP Blows Whistle: Vaccine Designed To Cause Lucrative Health Problems We Could Monetize
I, for one, will do my part to signal my virtue accordingly when appearing in public, which is rare, as I have everything one could possibly need on my grand island estate far from the critics and other small minds.
Good for you Dawn. It's time for elites to claim what's always been rightfully theirs.
Before one takes another 'safe and effective designed to harm and kill bioweapon it may be worth one's while to look at this video....
"Vaccines are inherently unsafe" so why then do doctors jab babies on arrival to their wards?
Pfizer claimed to US Congress et al that "vaccines are inherently unsafe" and that was part of their successful pitch to the Regan administration to be granted immunity... which was granted !
Dr Mike Yeadon ex VP of Pfizer shows how the ConVid - bio weapons were deliberated designed to harm and kill. Read that again if it didn't sink in fully and listen to this 17 minute video.
"Vaccines are inherently unsafe"
Pfizer VP Blows Whistle: Vaccine Designed To Cause Lucrative Health Problems We Could Monetize